Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello all....just to update you on what's been happening, we've had no choice but to put the sale of our house on hold...at least till the spring. We will probably sell in March/April now. It was just way too impossible to have it ready by the end of October with all the work that still needed to be done to it. I was going to be a home stager at one time (and may still be again, who knows) and I know what the house should look like in order to attract the buyers.

There were also too many things going wrong so I took it as a sign that this wasn't the right time for this to be happening! Everything happens for a reason, after all! Right?

I am still working on the house to prepare it because spring will indeed be here before I know it. So, for now, I'm painting and organizing. On top of everything else that I've been doing...I still have to work full time right now but I also have some projects to work on. I have to make two elf costumes for someone for December 6th and I also have Advent banners to make for a church. So, I'm chaotically keeping busy!

I must say though that lately, I've been playing with the idea of possibly seeing if I can work 4 days per week and try to work on my own business on the 5th day. This way, I could get the best of both world's. If I can convince my boss (who knows that I don't want to stay there forever), plus see about focusing on it, that maybe, I might have a better chance of making it happen sooner rather than later. I'll keep you posted on what I decide to do or if I can convince my boss! If I do this, I will want to do it for possibly January...take the leap. I'll play with some numbers and see where it takes me!

I'm excited about the possibilities! Hopefully, all will work out in the end!

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