Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Being a Scanner!

I used to think that there was something wrong with me....why wasn't I able to pick a profession or something that I wanted to do and stick to it? Did I have something wrong with me? Was there something that I was doing wrong or should have been doing? I just couldn't figure out why! Until I read about Barbara Sher...she wrote the books, 'Refuse to Choose: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything You Love' and 'I Could Do Anything, If I Only Knew What It Was'. Right now, I'm reading, 'It's Only Too Late If You Don't Start Now: How To Create Your Second Life At Any Age'....Barbara helped me realize that I'm perfectly normal! There's nothing wrong with me other than the fact that I love a lot of different things. She calls that, being a 'scanner'. My only problem is that they just happen to be all at once, lol!

Lately, I've been feeling the itch to want to be an Organizer and/or a Home Stager, I also love to make costumes/puppets, jewelry...Party planning...I simply LOVE to be creative....I have a passion for thinking outside the box when it comes to creating things! For the past two years, I have been doing volunteer work at some churches and schools and used my creativity to create environments for teen get togethers, I've thrown parties/dances for the teens, and I've helped out at my son's high school musicals for the last three years, helping with costumes! I have had a blast! I thoroughly enjoy doing those things. This year I am also helping to make liturgical banners for one of the churches that I go to. All of these things, have strengthened my experiences at being creative.

Right now, I'm trying to figure it all out and try to create and form a business that I can make a good living at and feed my passion for being creative. I want to do it all....I think that I can do it! I have an abundance of resources to look at...but because I work and do a lot of volunteering, I don't always get the chance to read any of it. It tends to make my life a bit chaotic and overwhelming. I'm trying to slow it down though and take things one day at a time and one thing/item at a time. It'll happen, I can feel it. I haven't always felt it in the past...but things are changing for me....I'm focusing on releasing positive energy and living a life full of positive outcomes! After all, everything happens for a reason....everything that I have done up to this point, has been for a reason! I just have to become more aware and figure out how the puzzle fits together!

Life is an adventure...I want to enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time to get moving!

I have been so busy with volunteer projects that I had sort of put all my thoughts on getting my business moving on the back burners. It's time to get moving again and try to get inspired. I really could use a day away from my J-O-B to read some inspirational books, listen to some inspiring CD's and do some research but for now I will just be inspired by looking at the different websites of my twitter family. I cannot get over the wonderful websites that are out there! So much talent!

I do have an incredible amount of things to do besides..for instance, Spring Cleaning...I love spring cleaning, always was my favorite time of year! I need to re-organize my space/house! Not to worry though, I will designate an allotted time slot for me to propel myself forward. ;-)

I have a great many interests and enjoy each one of them. Right now, I've begun losing weight (so far have lost 30 lbs.) and trying to get healthy! It has given me a tremendous amount of energy of which is really great because to do the things that I need to do, I need all the energy I can get. My 25th high school reunion is coming up in July.

I've ordered the book, 'The Creative Entrepreneur' by Lisa Sonora Beam from Amazon. I can't wait to receive it and get to work with it! I have a lot of books, CD's and resources at my disposal to draw inspiration from. Now I just need to devise a plan, make some goals and reach for my dreams! I really want this year to be different...I want to reach for my dreams and achieve them!

Here's to working towards a dream (or two)! :-)